Why I love Isagenix and Answering Your Questions 3.0
I tend to do one of these types of blog posts a year and I just feel moved to do my 2015 edition. I'm completely transparent so I figured I might as well type this bad boy out to help quell some of the repeat questions and curiosity that gets generated in my day to day life.
Did you really drop your sponsorships because of Isagenix?
-Sure did. Don't get me wrong. The other companies treated me well and were well-meaning. They stood behind their product. The problem was that I hadn't used their stuff at all (due to it upsetting my stomach or in one case, causing massive heart palpitations due to the insane about of stimulants and other crap in it) or they were things I hadn't used in months/nearly a year. All the results I was having was because I was using Isagenix products, and they were night and day to what was regularly in my body before. Consequently, I chose to step down as being a sponsored athlete. I felt like I was lying to people and it was my own terror of approaching the business side of this thing that kept me from telling people. I can't be dishonest with people. It makes my skin crawl. I didn't do it for notoriety or for people to think I'm cool; I simply had to tell the truth and be honest with myself.
My 2 and 4 year old nephews use these products and I don't worry about it. My grandma can use it. It's just food. It's not a chemical shit storm. That's why it's my jam.
Is that all you eat? Like, do you eat real food when you use Isagenix products?
-Ummmmm, yes I definitely eat real food still (ask anyone... I eat an embarrassing amount of food).. It just simplifies everything for me.
Prior to this being in my life, I was a slave to tupperware. Meaning, I was spending roughly $200 a week at Whole Foods trying to eat organically. Clearly that added up quickly, ASIDE from the fact that I was sick of eating the same 5 things over and over, and ASIDE from the fact that I was sick of spending all my time cooking food for the next day.
I now spend maybe $170 a month to knock out 55 organic meals that I don't have to cook. I shake it up and go; it's that simple. My groceries might be a total of $30-40 a week now. In terms of budget and time, it saved my life.
I think I can get my nutrition from whole food alone, I don't think I need this stuff.
-So did I. Trust me. I was not a fan of this kind of stuff prior to getting these products in my body. The reality is, the commercialized food industry has nuked out the vitamin and mineral content from the soils our food grows in. There are all kinds of studies that show you have to eat 70 cups of spinach now to be the nutritional equivalent to 1 cup of spinach in the 1950s.
For me, the difference was how much better my energy and my workouts were once I got the shakes in my system vs 4 years of eating clean food alone. My results were about 1/3 of what they were with Isagenix, only my sleep was way better and my energy was through the roof. I put on lean muscle and dropped bodyfat with ease. My show prep was the easiest thing on the planet with Isagenix in my program for the Arnold versus anything else I'd done previously. My results spoke for themselves.
Were you really a jerk about Isagenix when you were first introduced to it?
-Ummmmmm, I met Isagenix with two middle fingers raised and scowl on my face.
I wanted N O T H I N G to do with it. I had done 5 or 6 shows by the time it came in my life. I was a typical fitness know-it-all. I was absolutely convinced that it was by far, the dumbest, scammiest thing I'd ever heard of in my life.
Then I tried it. Then I learned how the business actually worked.
And then I shut my mouth and apologized to the girl who introduced it to me. I wanted nothing to do with Isagenix at all for the first 6 months I'd heard about it.
Really, it's a combination of funny and really embarrassing to look back at. Eh, another story in my book of my weird life.
How is this any different than the stuff that I get online or from GNC? It can't be that different, can it?
-This is somewhat like saying that a panther and a feral cat are the same thing.
Here's why it's different.
I don't get why it's not sold in stores. Why aren't they doing that if it's so great?
-Because they don't want to. They want this to by known by word-of-mouth and personal experiences, NOT to have advertisers do the work. They want it to be real people with real testimonials because that's what it's about. The people and changing their lives and health.
How is this different than the other companies that are out there?
-Fabulous question. We don't use soy. We don't use fillers. We don't use fake sugars. We have an exceptionally fair and kick-ass business model. People who have been in Isagenix for a short amount of time can make more money than someone who has been in it 5 years with ease if they want to. In other words, it's just extremely honest and extremely fair.
Isagenix is a gigantic, happy family. We joke it's like a cult. We all cheer each other on and support each other emotionally, regardless of who is on what team. We genuinely don't compete against each other. We take our product, compliance, and the people we are helping extremely seriously. This is a gigantic service to provide to people and we pride ourselves on being a clean, honest, and loving organization.
Its honesty and the feeling of love you get at events are genuine. It's a second family. I can't even begin to tell you what a crew of good eggs we have.
Aren't you worried about the stability of this? I mean, I personally think you're nuts to have gone out to do this full time and leave corporate America.
-Nope. Here's why: there's no such thing as stability.
I THOUGHT I had a beautiful, amazing, stable job. I thought I was SET in terms of a career.
In 2009, I was working happily at a law firm in a cushy, fancy building in downtown Minneapolis. I had my own office at 27 years old. It was ridiculous. I was beyond spoiled. I was told I was getting a big promotion in February and a gigantic bump in pay because I was doing such a good job.
Guess what happened instead? I got laid off with 55 other people the same day on February 12th, 2009. I spent the next 10 months frantically searching for work despite having a bachelor's degree and a glowing resume.
There's no such thing as stability in anything. I NEVER thought I would be laid off. EVER.
So do I worry? Nope. Not for a second. I'm 100% positive this is it for me and I'm confident about my decision. You can worry for me if you want to, but I'm too busy gettin' things done. :)
I heard you turned down your dream job for Isagenix. Are you nuts?
-I did. I was approached by major fitness company that I'd always want to work for full time with a position that was mine if I wanted it. It would have been a big pay bump from my old 9-5 job. The catch was I would have to ditch my business.
As a result, I declined it. I couldn't do that. I loved my business too much. I couldn't turn my back on my business owners I had developed. It wasn't fair and the potential was too high. Luckily it didn't damage my relationship with this company but it still was extremely difficult for me to decide on the fly after chasing that position since 2007.
I'm that serious about what I do now. When something lights a fire in you, it's hard to extinguish it.
What is the cleanse thing? Doesn't it eat your muscle mass?
-It's liver and kidney detoxification, NOT colon cleansing. It's non-catabolic, and you will not end up stranded on the pot for a day. Who has time for that crap? (No pun intended!)
Now that you're full time with Isagenix, what is a typical day like for you?
-Truthfully? Whatever I want. Imagine every single day of your life being like how it is when you have a 3 day weekend. You can do whatever you want, when you want, and it doesn't matter. Go see a show and be out til 2AM on a Wednesday? No problem. Take a 2 hour nap during the middle of the day? Why not. Run errands for your mom and meet up with a friend for coffee to catch up? Sure thing!
The freedom factor turns you into a borderline delinquent. I haven't adjusted. I'm totally in love with it but if I'm being honest, it is extremely disorienting when every day feels like Saturday. The freedom and flexibility factor is to a degree that I can't even describe. It's beautiful. This is why my goal is to retire a MINIMUM of 3 friends from 9-5 corporate life this year. This is a gift that people truly need.
How's Dexter?
-He's pretty busy napping on the couch right now. He's a 6 month old kitten who needs his rest, you know. He has a LOT of responsibilities and problems so he needs his sleep. Thanks for asking!
I'm glad you like Isagenix, but I seriously could give two craps less.
-Hey, no sweat off my back. Seriously. I don't care if people use it or not. To me, it's kind of like caring about if people want to drive a different car than me.
It's my job to educate, NOT to convince. If you don't like it, don't use it. Carry on, my little jellybeans.
What if I'm really interested in trying this as a business but it scares the hell out of me? Won't I lose family and friends over this? Won't I piss people off? Do I have to stand at a mall and hand out flyers?
-Ummmmmmmm, no. Run your business how you want it. It's 100% possible to do Isagenix as a business without making people hate your guts and finding you annoying. If it's something that speaks to you, definitely give it a go. But for the love of crap, don't change who you are just because you decided you wanted to try this. This is a service. This is not about sales. You don't run around blindly sending messages to people you haven't talked to since 1998 and say HEY I COULDNT HELP BUT NOTICE YOU NEED TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Yeah that definitely will make people hate your guts.
You can be passionate and sincere without ramming it down people's throats. They know the difference between genuine interest and being a pain in the ass. Trust me. You can easily do this without making people want to do voodoo dolls in effigy of you and stepping on toes.
Don't you have to buy like $739,273 in product to get going? Do I have to have inventory on hand?
-This is a common question and it always baffles me. Ready for what your whopping investment is?
Isn't that expensive?
-Honestly, no, it's not. There's something for everyone and you're spending your money somewhere. Going out to eat, going out to bars, getting $5 coffees, buying more items for your Price is Right memorabilia collection (Btw, do you have this one yet? http://www.amazon.com/Price-wrong-tshirt-barker-X-Large/dp/B00CO77M5I/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1420954348&sr=8-6&keywords=Bob+Barker).
Your money is going somewhere. If you can't find a few bucks to toss towards your health, it's just not a priority to you yet. It's there when you're ready, brah.
What if I'm using Isagenix and I get hungry?
-... Eat? Seriously. Eat. You shouldn't be hungry ever if your nutrition is in check, kiddo.
Welp. This is all I can think of off the top of my head. If I can think of anything else, I'll edit this bad boy!
Did you really drop your sponsorships because of Isagenix?
-Sure did. Don't get me wrong. The other companies treated me well and were well-meaning. They stood behind their product. The problem was that I hadn't used their stuff at all (due to it upsetting my stomach or in one case, causing massive heart palpitations due to the insane about of stimulants and other crap in it) or they were things I hadn't used in months/nearly a year. All the results I was having was because I was using Isagenix products, and they were night and day to what was regularly in my body before. Consequently, I chose to step down as being a sponsored athlete. I felt like I was lying to people and it was my own terror of approaching the business side of this thing that kept me from telling people. I can't be dishonest with people. It makes my skin crawl. I didn't do it for notoriety or for people to think I'm cool; I simply had to tell the truth and be honest with myself.
My 2 and 4 year old nephews use these products and I don't worry about it. My grandma can use it. It's just food. It's not a chemical shit storm. That's why it's my jam.
Is that all you eat? Like, do you eat real food when you use Isagenix products?
-Ummmmm, yes I definitely eat real food still (ask anyone... I eat an embarrassing amount of food).. It just simplifies everything for me.
Prior to this being in my life, I was a slave to tupperware. Meaning, I was spending roughly $200 a week at Whole Foods trying to eat organically. Clearly that added up quickly, ASIDE from the fact that I was sick of eating the same 5 things over and over, and ASIDE from the fact that I was sick of spending all my time cooking food for the next day.
I now spend maybe $170 a month to knock out 55 organic meals that I don't have to cook. I shake it up and go; it's that simple. My groceries might be a total of $30-40 a week now. In terms of budget and time, it saved my life.
I think I can get my nutrition from whole food alone, I don't think I need this stuff.
-So did I. Trust me. I was not a fan of this kind of stuff prior to getting these products in my body. The reality is, the commercialized food industry has nuked out the vitamin and mineral content from the soils our food grows in. There are all kinds of studies that show you have to eat 70 cups of spinach now to be the nutritional equivalent to 1 cup of spinach in the 1950s.
For me, the difference was how much better my energy and my workouts were once I got the shakes in my system vs 4 years of eating clean food alone. My results were about 1/3 of what they were with Isagenix, only my sleep was way better and my energy was through the roof. I put on lean muscle and dropped bodyfat with ease. My show prep was the easiest thing on the planet with Isagenix in my program for the Arnold versus anything else I'd done previously. My results spoke for themselves.
Were you really a jerk about Isagenix when you were first introduced to it?
-Ummmmmm, I met Isagenix with two middle fingers raised and scowl on my face.
I wanted N O T H I N G to do with it. I had done 5 or 6 shows by the time it came in my life. I was a typical fitness know-it-all. I was absolutely convinced that it was by far, the dumbest, scammiest thing I'd ever heard of in my life.
Then I tried it. Then I learned how the business actually worked.
And then I shut my mouth and apologized to the girl who introduced it to me. I wanted nothing to do with Isagenix at all for the first 6 months I'd heard about it.
Really, it's a combination of funny and really embarrassing to look back at. Eh, another story in my book of my weird life.
How is this any different than the stuff that I get online or from GNC? It can't be that different, can it?
-This is somewhat like saying that a panther and a feral cat are the same thing.
Here's why it's different.
- 98% lactose free
- No soy or fake sugars
- Undenatured, New Zealand whey isolate. Meaning the milk comes from grass-fed cows with no antibiotics or hormones. The milk is cooked at a low temperature to retain its probiotic and enzyme value. What this means it that you won't get the bloating and intestinal discomfort that you get with the average shake (which are superheated and pasteurized to kill all those good digestive enzymes you need to keep your GI tract happy.)
- Full organic meal replacement shake. This is the nutritional equivalent to a chicken breast, rice, and a tablespoon of olive oil. NOT just a protein shake.
- These shakes are actually FILLING. They're not watery crap.
- Sweetened with the sugars from beets and pears so they're low glycemic.
I don't get why it's not sold in stores. Why aren't they doing that if it's so great?
-Because they don't want to. They want this to by known by word-of-mouth and personal experiences, NOT to have advertisers do the work. They want it to be real people with real testimonials because that's what it's about. The people and changing their lives and health.
How is this different than the other companies that are out there?
-Fabulous question. We don't use soy. We don't use fillers. We don't use fake sugars. We have an exceptionally fair and kick-ass business model. People who have been in Isagenix for a short amount of time can make more money than someone who has been in it 5 years with ease if they want to. In other words, it's just extremely honest and extremely fair.
Isagenix is a gigantic, happy family. We joke it's like a cult. We all cheer each other on and support each other emotionally, regardless of who is on what team. We genuinely don't compete against each other. We take our product, compliance, and the people we are helping extremely seriously. This is a gigantic service to provide to people and we pride ourselves on being a clean, honest, and loving organization.
Its honesty and the feeling of love you get at events are genuine. It's a second family. I can't even begin to tell you what a crew of good eggs we have.
Aren't you worried about the stability of this? I mean, I personally think you're nuts to have gone out to do this full time and leave corporate America.
-Nope. Here's why: there's no such thing as stability.
I THOUGHT I had a beautiful, amazing, stable job. I thought I was SET in terms of a career.
In 2009, I was working happily at a law firm in a cushy, fancy building in downtown Minneapolis. I had my own office at 27 years old. It was ridiculous. I was beyond spoiled. I was told I was getting a big promotion in February and a gigantic bump in pay because I was doing such a good job.
Guess what happened instead? I got laid off with 55 other people the same day on February 12th, 2009. I spent the next 10 months frantically searching for work despite having a bachelor's degree and a glowing resume.
There's no such thing as stability in anything. I NEVER thought I would be laid off. EVER.
So do I worry? Nope. Not for a second. I'm 100% positive this is it for me and I'm confident about my decision. You can worry for me if you want to, but I'm too busy gettin' things done. :)
I heard you turned down your dream job for Isagenix. Are you nuts?
-I did. I was approached by major fitness company that I'd always want to work for full time with a position that was mine if I wanted it. It would have been a big pay bump from my old 9-5 job. The catch was I would have to ditch my business.
As a result, I declined it. I couldn't do that. I loved my business too much. I couldn't turn my back on my business owners I had developed. It wasn't fair and the potential was too high. Luckily it didn't damage my relationship with this company but it still was extremely difficult for me to decide on the fly after chasing that position since 2007.
I'm that serious about what I do now. When something lights a fire in you, it's hard to extinguish it.
What is the cleanse thing? Doesn't it eat your muscle mass?
-It's liver and kidney detoxification, NOT colon cleansing. It's non-catabolic, and you will not end up stranded on the pot for a day. Who has time for that crap? (No pun intended!)
Now that you're full time with Isagenix, what is a typical day like for you?
-Truthfully? Whatever I want. Imagine every single day of your life being like how it is when you have a 3 day weekend. You can do whatever you want, when you want, and it doesn't matter. Go see a show and be out til 2AM on a Wednesday? No problem. Take a 2 hour nap during the middle of the day? Why not. Run errands for your mom and meet up with a friend for coffee to catch up? Sure thing!
The freedom factor turns you into a borderline delinquent. I haven't adjusted. I'm totally in love with it but if I'm being honest, it is extremely disorienting when every day feels like Saturday. The freedom and flexibility factor is to a degree that I can't even describe. It's beautiful. This is why my goal is to retire a MINIMUM of 3 friends from 9-5 corporate life this year. This is a gift that people truly need.
How's Dexter?
-He's pretty busy napping on the couch right now. He's a 6 month old kitten who needs his rest, you know. He has a LOT of responsibilities and problems so he needs his sleep. Thanks for asking!
I'm glad you like Isagenix, but I seriously could give two craps less.
-Hey, no sweat off my back. Seriously. I don't care if people use it or not. To me, it's kind of like caring about if people want to drive a different car than me.
It's my job to educate, NOT to convince. If you don't like it, don't use it. Carry on, my little jellybeans.
What if I'm really interested in trying this as a business but it scares the hell out of me? Won't I lose family and friends over this? Won't I piss people off? Do I have to stand at a mall and hand out flyers?
-Ummmmmmmm, no. Run your business how you want it. It's 100% possible to do Isagenix as a business without making people hate your guts and finding you annoying. If it's something that speaks to you, definitely give it a go. But for the love of crap, don't change who you are just because you decided you wanted to try this. This is a service. This is not about sales. You don't run around blindly sending messages to people you haven't talked to since 1998 and say HEY I COULDNT HELP BUT NOTICE YOU NEED TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Yeah that definitely will make people hate your guts.
You can be passionate and sincere without ramming it down people's throats. They know the difference between genuine interest and being a pain in the ass. Trust me. You can easily do this without making people want to do voodoo dolls in effigy of you and stepping on toes.
Don't you have to buy like $739,273 in product to get going? Do I have to have inventory on hand?
-This is a common question and it always baffles me. Ready for what your whopping investment is?
- $29 to open the equivalent of an Amazon Prime account
- $150-250 for 55-62 meals that you don't have to cook and that much less to spend going out to eat or buying at the grocery story
- No, you never have an inventory.
- You literally eat your overhead cost every month.
- You are automatically given a website, an online office, an online shop of your own, Facebook groups, free training/webinars/podcasts.
- Hundreds of tax write-offs (rent, car, cell phone bill, etc)
- You have the chance to earn $600 your first month, which is way more than your initial investment.
Isn't that expensive?
-Honestly, no, it's not. There's something for everyone and you're spending your money somewhere. Going out to eat, going out to bars, getting $5 coffees, buying more items for your Price is Right memorabilia collection (Btw, do you have this one yet? http://www.amazon.com/Price-wrong-tshirt-barker-X-Large/dp/B00CO77M5I/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1420954348&sr=8-6&keywords=Bob+Barker).
Your money is going somewhere. If you can't find a few bucks to toss towards your health, it's just not a priority to you yet. It's there when you're ready, brah.
What if I'm using Isagenix and I get hungry?
-... Eat? Seriously. Eat. You shouldn't be hungry ever if your nutrition is in check, kiddo.
Welp. This is all I can think of off the top of my head. If I can think of anything else, I'll edit this bad boy!
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