Why I Use Isagenix 2.0 and Answering Lots of Your Questions
The New Year is coming. Do you have a plan? And did you know that there is 0% reason you have to start being happier and healthier sooner than January 1st?
I blogged earlier this summer about my own Isagenix experience and tale. This is a follow up based on some of my the most common questions and comments I get from people about it. Totally honest, unedited, just the way it is.
You guys know I would never, ever lie to you. I count on my reputation and I'm just putting this out there.
"Is this really any different than the stuff I can pick up in bulk at Cost-Co or get on GNC? Come on. It sounds like a MASSIVE load of crap."
Answer: Um, YES. This is the equivalent of asking if there is a difference between going to the best sushi restaurant in town and grabbing some crappy refrigerated California roll that you can get at the grocery store.
Isa products are natural. They don't use hormones. They don't use artificial colors or sweeteners. Their shakes are so filling because the milk comes from grass-fed cows in New Zealand. The milk is cooked at a low temp to keep all the probiotic content. They aren't loaded with sucralose, fillers, or aspartame.
Everything they make, from shakes, Ionix Supreme (muscle recovery and mood enhancement), to their vitamins and skincare line, are super high quality. Hence they're more expensive (but still reasonably priced) in comparison to the crap you pick up at GNC.
"Why does it seem like everyone who uses Isagenix is in a massive, happy cult of weirdos?"
Answer: Because we are sincerely happy and feel the best we ever have. We are peeing our pants with excitement to have other people get the opportunity to feel as bomb@ss as we do. Truthfully. That's it. It seems funny and like a total load of B.S but people who use Isagenix genuinely believe in the products with the same love and fervor that we would a family member. It's changes our lives, bodies, and minds.
I tell people ALLLLLLLLLL the time, I will use Isagenix stuff til the day I die or until the company goes under- which ever comes first. I'm a lifer. I don't have any problems or embarrassment saying that.
"How can you be involved in a pyramid scheme? It seems really shiesty."
Answer: Because it's not a pyramid scheme and I'm not a scumbag, thank you very much. MLM companies have such a bad reputation and so many stereotypes due the the early ones that started in the 70s and 80s. It's absurd. Isagenix set up their business model so people below you can make more money than you can. Everyone needs to calm the F down.
MLM shouldn't have a bad name. This is not the tupperware parties of 20 years ago. They're legit businesses and chances at entrepreurism.
Forbes has written about it.
There are articles like this everywhere. So much has shifted. It's offensive and ridiculous to me when people who know approximately zero about my own intention, my own beliefs, nothing about the products, nothing about the business model, and nothing about the company instantly assume that we are either A. Stupid B. Scam artists. Come on, people.
"How much does it cost?"
Answer: It depends 100% on your own budget. If you want to order, you can pretty much order anything based on your budget.
"Can I just order product and not do sales? Sales scare me."
Answer: Yes, you ABSOLUTELY can just order product. In fact, 80%+ people who are enrolled in Isagenix only order stuff for themselves and their families.
"Can you REALLY do Isa as a business and actually make money, or is this as made-up as unicorns and The Kraaken?"
Answer: Yes, you can legitimately make money. It's all in what you put into it. If you're mousey about talking to people then you won't make much. They always say if you treat it like a hobby, then you'll make hobby money. If you treat it like a business, then you'll make money as a business. It's all in how you present yourself. I personally do not hit sales super aggressively publicly. People email me on facebook but I generally do not blast social media about it because it rubs people the wrong way. Other people have zero qualms with it.
I've seen numerous people in my life quit their full time jobs in the last 2-3 years and now all they do is Isa. They're not "friends of friends of friends", they're people I've known for years who are associated with fitness.
Some people make an extra $55 a week, others make an extra $500 a month. It's all up to you and honestly, it's not even hard. You just fall in love with the product and people naturally start asking questions. It's insanely easy to talk about, especially when you genuinely mean what you say. People know the difference.
"Hypothetically... let's say I wanted to start a business and try sales. How much will it cost me? A million dollars and my first child?"
Answer: $29 for the year, plus your first order (for you to use, not a start-up kit to start hammering at other people). So... roughly $130-150. Good luck opening your own business with a $150 overhead fee anywhere else.
Oh and by the way, let's not forget rank advancement bonuses, opportunities to win trips, and that at a certain level you can get 401k and health insurance through Isagenix. You can also write off your cell phone bill, internet, and a ton of other stuff as business expenses at the end of the year. Booyah.
"What is this 100BV nonsense at checkout?"
If you want to make money, you also have to stay at "active status" each month, which means 100 BV (business volume) points. It's a business buy-in, like stocks. 100 BV = $130 in products, which is stupid easy to burn through in a month.
"OMG, that seems so expensive! That's ridiculous!"
Before you flip out at $130/month, think of it this way. I do the Everyday Shake Pak every month. That's 104 BV each month and costs about $120 to get that. Know what that gets me? 55 meals I don't have to cook. Think of how much 55 nutritious, high quality meals would cost you at the damn grocery store. Probably more than $130! So for me, I'm actually saving: A. Time B. Money. Boom. I win. So does my inner lazy person. And believe me, I am lazy and I absolutely hate doing dishes.
That's not bad.
"How often do you get paid?"
Answer: Every Monday. Which is awesome. You get a prepaid Visa mailed to you and the money credits to your card every Monday. You also have the option to login to your Citibank account (partnered with your card) so you can transfer it straight to your bank account if you don't want the pending balance sitting around on your Visa.
"Okay, so what if I want to try this stuff but I end up hating it?"
Answer: No big deal. Anything you don't like, you can return in the first 30 days and have your money refunded. Their customer service is fantastic.
"Do you actually enjoy being a part of this company? Are they paying you to talk about it?"
Answer: Nope to getting paid to talk about it. This is my own free will, kids. I answer these questions all day, every day.
Do I enjoy it? YES. I love it. I'm euphoric about it. I have changed tons of lives and hooked friends on this after months of objections and being skeptical. I love how positive we all are. I love how they believe in themselves and their fitness goals and seeing people get brave enough to talk to other people about their experiences. Do you have any idea how FUN it is to partner with your best friends in a business? Holy crap, it is the most electrifying experience of your life. It's addicting.
"Can I order through your account before I commit to signing up? I'm a commitment phobe and this is a lot to ask of me right now. I can't handle the pressure!"
Answer: Yes. Hit me up. I order for other people constantly. I get the skepticism. Why? Because I was the same way. I thought Isagenix was a stupid load of crap and I was really snotty about it the first few months I heard about it. If you want to put your first order in through my own wholesale account so you can try stuff, I'm 100% fine with that. No problem.
But as a rule, the most I'll do is 2 orders per person through my own account. Eventually it's stupid to just use me as a middle man. Besides that, people always feel like they need to explain their financial situation to me. This is why you open your own account. You can order whenever and whatever you want and I don't need to know the dirty details. Won on a big scratchoff ticket and wanna lose 30 lbs for a vacation so you're going to throw in a $200 order? Awesome. You spent all your money buying Nicholas Cage throw pillows on Amazon and now all you can afford is a $39 canister of whey? Okay. All the benefits of ordering without me having to know your reasons.
It takes 5 seconds to open your own account anyways, you don't need me.
And yes, Nicolas Cage throw pillows are real and the gift that keeps on giving. JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
"What's the difference between enrolling as a preferred customer and an associate?"
Answer: Preferred customers generally don't get as good of pricing and it does not ask for your SSN when you enroll. Preferred customers cannot do sales.
Associates get shipping deals throughout the year and are able to go into sales if they ever choose to. It is a full wholesale account (like a Costco membership). You're asked for your SSN when you enroll, ONLY because they need to send you tax information at the end of the year should you decide to give sales a go and you make over $1000 in a year. They'll never ask you for it again.
"Do I have to order a huge system or can I buy just one individual product?"
Answer: You can order whatever your pretty little heart desires. If you want to get a 30 day system, cool. If you sleep like trash and you just want to fork out $12 for their sleep spray (plus shipping), you can do that. You can buy paks or individual items.
"There are so many products. I'm so confused. Hold me."
Answer: I know, right? Ask me and we'll talk about what your goals are or what you're missing in your life. I'll tell you what to try or what you need.
"This website is slightly confusing and overwhelming. Bah."
Answer: Yes, it sure is. Admittedly, I don't particularly care for the layout of the website, alas, I can't do anything about it. But if you need me to walk you through it and tell you where to go, I will do it. It takes a bit to get used to but after the first time or two, it's easy.
"Be honest: does this stuff actually work?"
Answer: YES. It does. It's not a magic pill but holy cow will it light a fire under your tush and throw some accelerant in your gas tank for fat loss, inch loss, better energy, better hair/skin/nails, better sleep, and just better quality of life. NOBODY would be using it and this dedicated if it wasn't awesome. And it's awesomeness delivered to your doorstep by UPS. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing you feel on it.
"Where can I learn more? What if I have questions?"
1. Ask me.
2. Isamovie.com. Seriously, just click around.
3. 99% of fear comes from unfamiliarity, so calm down, bro.
4. Go poke around on my site. http://www.abbyhuot.isagenix.com/
Any other questions? Let me know!!!
I blogged earlier this summer about my own Isagenix experience and tale. This is a follow up based on some of my the most common questions and comments I get from people about it. Totally honest, unedited, just the way it is.
You guys know I would never, ever lie to you. I count on my reputation and I'm just putting this out there.
"Is this really any different than the stuff I can pick up in bulk at Cost-Co or get on GNC? Come on. It sounds like a MASSIVE load of crap."
Answer: Um, YES. This is the equivalent of asking if there is a difference between going to the best sushi restaurant in town and grabbing some crappy refrigerated California roll that you can get at the grocery store.
Isa products are natural. They don't use hormones. They don't use artificial colors or sweeteners. Their shakes are so filling because the milk comes from grass-fed cows in New Zealand. The milk is cooked at a low temp to keep all the probiotic content. They aren't loaded with sucralose, fillers, or aspartame.
Everything they make, from shakes, Ionix Supreme (muscle recovery and mood enhancement), to their vitamins and skincare line, are super high quality. Hence they're more expensive (but still reasonably priced) in comparison to the crap you pick up at GNC.
"Why does it seem like everyone who uses Isagenix is in a massive, happy cult of weirdos?"
Answer: Because we are sincerely happy and feel the best we ever have. We are peeing our pants with excitement to have other people get the opportunity to feel as bomb@ss as we do. Truthfully. That's it. It seems funny and like a total load of B.S but people who use Isagenix genuinely believe in the products with the same love and fervor that we would a family member. It's changes our lives, bodies, and minds.
I tell people ALLLLLLLLLL the time, I will use Isagenix stuff til the day I die or until the company goes under- which ever comes first. I'm a lifer. I don't have any problems or embarrassment saying that.
"How can you be involved in a pyramid scheme? It seems really shiesty."
Answer: Because it's not a pyramid scheme and I'm not a scumbag, thank you very much. MLM companies have such a bad reputation and so many stereotypes due the the early ones that started in the 70s and 80s. It's absurd. Isagenix set up their business model so people below you can make more money than you can. Everyone needs to calm the F down.
MLM shouldn't have a bad name. This is not the tupperware parties of 20 years ago. They're legit businesses and chances at entrepreurism.
Forbes has written about it.
There are articles like this everywhere. So much has shifted. It's offensive and ridiculous to me when people who know approximately zero about my own intention, my own beliefs, nothing about the products, nothing about the business model, and nothing about the company instantly assume that we are either A. Stupid B. Scam artists. Come on, people.
"How much does it cost?"
Answer: It depends 100% on your own budget. If you want to order, you can pretty much order anything based on your budget.
"Can I just order product and not do sales? Sales scare me."
Answer: Yes, you ABSOLUTELY can just order product. In fact, 80%+ people who are enrolled in Isagenix only order stuff for themselves and their families.
"Can you REALLY do Isa as a business and actually make money, or is this as made-up as unicorns and The Kraaken?"
Answer: Yes, you can legitimately make money. It's all in what you put into it. If you're mousey about talking to people then you won't make much. They always say if you treat it like a hobby, then you'll make hobby money. If you treat it like a business, then you'll make money as a business. It's all in how you present yourself. I personally do not hit sales super aggressively publicly. People email me on facebook but I generally do not blast social media about it because it rubs people the wrong way. Other people have zero qualms with it.
I've seen numerous people in my life quit their full time jobs in the last 2-3 years and now all they do is Isa. They're not "friends of friends of friends", they're people I've known for years who are associated with fitness.
Some people make an extra $55 a week, others make an extra $500 a month. It's all up to you and honestly, it's not even hard. You just fall in love with the product and people naturally start asking questions. It's insanely easy to talk about, especially when you genuinely mean what you say. People know the difference.
"Hypothetically... let's say I wanted to start a business and try sales. How much will it cost me? A million dollars and my first child?"
Answer: $29 for the year, plus your first order (for you to use, not a start-up kit to start hammering at other people). So... roughly $130-150. Good luck opening your own business with a $150 overhead fee anywhere else.
Oh and by the way, let's not forget rank advancement bonuses, opportunities to win trips, and that at a certain level you can get 401k and health insurance through Isagenix. You can also write off your cell phone bill, internet, and a ton of other stuff as business expenses at the end of the year. Booyah.
"What is this 100BV nonsense at checkout?"
If you want to make money, you also have to stay at "active status" each month, which means 100 BV (business volume) points. It's a business buy-in, like stocks. 100 BV = $130 in products, which is stupid easy to burn through in a month.
"OMG, that seems so expensive! That's ridiculous!"
Before you flip out at $130/month, think of it this way. I do the Everyday Shake Pak every month. That's 104 BV each month and costs about $120 to get that. Know what that gets me? 55 meals I don't have to cook. Think of how much 55 nutritious, high quality meals would cost you at the damn grocery store. Probably more than $130! So for me, I'm actually saving: A. Time B. Money. Boom. I win. So does my inner lazy person. And believe me, I am lazy and I absolutely hate doing dishes.
That's not bad.
"How often do you get paid?"
Answer: Every Monday. Which is awesome. You get a prepaid Visa mailed to you and the money credits to your card every Monday. You also have the option to login to your Citibank account (partnered with your card) so you can transfer it straight to your bank account if you don't want the pending balance sitting around on your Visa.
"Okay, so what if I want to try this stuff but I end up hating it?"
Answer: No big deal. Anything you don't like, you can return in the first 30 days and have your money refunded. Their customer service is fantastic.
"Do you actually enjoy being a part of this company? Are they paying you to talk about it?"
Answer: Nope to getting paid to talk about it. This is my own free will, kids. I answer these questions all day, every day.
Do I enjoy it? YES. I love it. I'm euphoric about it. I have changed tons of lives and hooked friends on this after months of objections and being skeptical. I love how positive we all are. I love how they believe in themselves and their fitness goals and seeing people get brave enough to talk to other people about their experiences. Do you have any idea how FUN it is to partner with your best friends in a business? Holy crap, it is the most electrifying experience of your life. It's addicting.
"Can I order through your account before I commit to signing up? I'm a commitment phobe and this is a lot to ask of me right now. I can't handle the pressure!"
Answer: Yes. Hit me up. I order for other people constantly. I get the skepticism. Why? Because I was the same way. I thought Isagenix was a stupid load of crap and I was really snotty about it the first few months I heard about it. If you want to put your first order in through my own wholesale account so you can try stuff, I'm 100% fine with that. No problem.
But as a rule, the most I'll do is 2 orders per person through my own account. Eventually it's stupid to just use me as a middle man. Besides that, people always feel like they need to explain their financial situation to me. This is why you open your own account. You can order whenever and whatever you want and I don't need to know the dirty details. Won on a big scratchoff ticket and wanna lose 30 lbs for a vacation so you're going to throw in a $200 order? Awesome. You spent all your money buying Nicholas Cage throw pillows on Amazon and now all you can afford is a $39 canister of whey? Okay. All the benefits of ordering without me having to know your reasons.
It takes 5 seconds to open your own account anyways, you don't need me.
And yes, Nicolas Cage throw pillows are real and the gift that keeps on giving. JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
"What's the difference between enrolling as a preferred customer and an associate?"
Answer: Preferred customers generally don't get as good of pricing and it does not ask for your SSN when you enroll. Preferred customers cannot do sales.
Associates get shipping deals throughout the year and are able to go into sales if they ever choose to. It is a full wholesale account (like a Costco membership). You're asked for your SSN when you enroll, ONLY because they need to send you tax information at the end of the year should you decide to give sales a go and you make over $1000 in a year. They'll never ask you for it again.
"Do I have to order a huge system or can I buy just one individual product?"
Answer: You can order whatever your pretty little heart desires. If you want to get a 30 day system, cool. If you sleep like trash and you just want to fork out $12 for their sleep spray (plus shipping), you can do that. You can buy paks or individual items.
"There are so many products. I'm so confused. Hold me."
Answer: I know, right? Ask me and we'll talk about what your goals are or what you're missing in your life. I'll tell you what to try or what you need.
"This website is slightly confusing and overwhelming. Bah."
Answer: Yes, it sure is. Admittedly, I don't particularly care for the layout of the website, alas, I can't do anything about it. But if you need me to walk you through it and tell you where to go, I will do it. It takes a bit to get used to but after the first time or two, it's easy.
"Be honest: does this stuff actually work?"
Answer: YES. It does. It's not a magic pill but holy cow will it light a fire under your tush and throw some accelerant in your gas tank for fat loss, inch loss, better energy, better hair/skin/nails, better sleep, and just better quality of life. NOBODY would be using it and this dedicated if it wasn't awesome. And it's awesomeness delivered to your doorstep by UPS. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing you feel on it.
"Where can I learn more? What if I have questions?"
1. Ask me.
2. Isamovie.com. Seriously, just click around.
3. 99% of fear comes from unfamiliarity, so calm down, bro.
4. Go poke around on my site. http://www.abbyhuot.isagenix.com/
Any other questions? Let me know!!!
Abby this blog was so great for me to read! It's informative and made me laugh :) I'm just starting out with the business, my friend shared your link on her page, so glad I checked it out!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Laura! It's intimidating when you first start out but it's so fun as you really see it start moving and blossom into something you believe in all along. Best of luck to you!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLove this Abby. Thank you for writing it and sharing!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it!
DeleteNo joke...I was given those Nicholas Cage pillows as part of a housewarming gift...
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, Abby! So glad to have partners like you in this business. :)
Those Cage pillows are the ultimate present. I have told every pregnant friend of mine that I'm getting them as their babyshower gift. lol
DeleteAbby - this is an awesome explanation! I too am a lifer! Going on 4 years now ... this has changed my life .. my health, the friendships, the income .. everything!! Thank YOU for posting the above! It is perfect!!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely fantastic Abby !!!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl! IsaRock On!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sweet notes, you guys. I really appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteAbby thanks for getting me in. I got my 1st autoship last week and trying out the dairy free ones..oh my...this has done wonders for my mornings! I literally feel more refreshed....I have even added spinach to them lol. Next up is ordering before the next auto ship lol... Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAhhh!!! I'm so glad you love it! Absolutely thrilled that you're feeling good and "get it"! Thanks for trusting me! The stuff is magic!!
DeleteExcellent blog you’ve got here.It’s difficult to find high-quality writing like yours nowadays. I really appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! Please check out my site.