Balancing Act!
I’ve been neglecting my blog pretty regularly, sorry guys.
How is everyone doing?
So the topic I want to talk about today is balance. How balanced is your life?
Mine certainly isn’t.
Mine certainly isn’t.
I’ve always been an “all in or all out” kind of gal. When I was younger and found something I liked, I obsessed over it. (Anyone who knew me in high school can tell you of my X Files obsession. Seriously, I had a problem.) Whether it is a musician or a band, a TV show, a movie, a hobby, a relationship, etc. I have always made one thing central I my life. That can be good and bad. The good is that it’s like having blinders on; you’re so focused on a goal or something else that you can’t possibly be distracted. But the bad side, obviously, is you miss out on the other stuff going on around you.
What’s funny is I seem to meet other people who are exactly the same way. We live lives without balance. We are not evenly spread in our obligations, jobs, relationships, or hobbies. We even acknowledge we have the problem, yet we do little to resolve it.
Real life: I’m up like 18 lbs from my contest weight. When I do a show prep, I am 100% in and perfect. It’s not that my diet is bad offseason. And I do like to train. But I just get sort of blah and get wrapped up in other things in my normal life and sort of drift from my fitness stuff.
Worst fitness model/representative ever? Possibly. But hey, I’m human. Not using that as a cop-out but geez, I’m a 31 year old woman with a full time job and a few part time ones (writing, Isagenix rep). I’m pretty busy. This used to freak me out but I’m 5 years into my journey. A. I know that I lean out very quickly. B. Even when I hit these “ruts”, I always snap out of them. Always.
I have some bad habits and I’m naturally pretty lazy. I’m the first to admit it. I LOVE lifting. I hate cardio. Ew. Clean eating is fine but you bet your butt I like having a glass of wine at night. But I can’t go totally overboard with it. Someone recently popped into my life that is struggling with all the same things (which actually is very nice) and I’m trying to help them find some balance, along with finding my own.
So how does one find balance?
· Take the time to assess your behaviors and schedule. See what you’re able to free up. See how you’re truly spending your time outside of your job. There is bound to be wiggle room.
· Recommit to your goals and set a solid deadline to see some progress.
· Commit to at least 30-45 minutes to getting your butt in the gym. You need it for so many reasons (physical, emotional, mental).
· Partner up with someone to help keep you accountable if you need to.
· Pull out the toxins (booze, candy, junk food) around your place that are going to trip you up.
If you’re like me and you feel like it’s time to put your foot down and commit to finding balance, know you aren’t alone. Many of us, no matter what age, are in the same boat you are. Your energy shouldn’t all be going into one specific route in your life. An even spread will ease emotional and physical burdens you may be carrying.
You’re worth the effort, trust me!
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