5 Foods That Aren't Healthy (But You Probably Didn't Know!)

I see many people gearing up for their 2013 Resolutions right now by making changes in their diet. Many people are trying to lose weight (I'm sure it's the #1 resolution in America aside from getting out of debt).
Don't start yourself out in a hole for your goals before you even BEGIN your journey by eating foods that aren't actually good for you!

Food #1: Pretzels

Pretzels are just flour (gluten) and salt, essentially. They'll cause you water retention (which shows up in the scale AND how your clothes fit due to bloat). They're not particularly satisfying either, so why bother?

A better alternative to crave salt cravings? Terra's Sweets and Beets or Popchips. Just watch your serving size!

Food #2: Yogurt

The vast majority of yogurts out there (with the exception of plain Greek yogurts) are sugar bombs. In particular: Fruit on the bottom yogurt! STAY AWAY! These babies are often loaded up with high fructose corn syrup (aka, sugar on crack) or sucralose. Stick to plain Greek yogurts with berries mixed in. If it's too tangy for you, add a little blue agave nectar or stevia to your yogurt to sweeten it up.

Food #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Again, is there a worse way to start your morning off than having the same amount of sugar as a Snickers bar for breakfast? Tasty, absolutely (fruit and cream variety was my FAVORITE in college!) but terrible for your metabolism.

Go for cream of rice (gluten free!) or steel-cut oats. I usually mix in chocolate protein powder to give it a Co-Co Wheats flavor, otherwise I'll stir in some berries with some agave nectar to sweeten it up a little bit.

Food #4: Wheat Thins

Wheat Thins are wheat-based, so they are loaded with gluten. For people trying to drop fat or see a change on the scale, this is a crucial point to remember. Yes you love your snacks and everyone does love these bad boys, but they're a junk food. "Whole Grain" is a junk marketing term that make people think it's healthy. If these are a regular part of your diet, you're going to plateau in no time on a diet.

Food #5: Sugar-free candy


There are different sweet alternatives out there, but these aren't it. Sugar free candy is loaded with sugar alcohol. Who of you enjoys really painful gas? How about unexpected digestive issues in a public place? If you do, this is the treat for you! Sugar free candy has a horrible laxative effect because of the sugar alcohol content. If you even go 1 gram over the recommended serving size, you're going to hate your life for about 90 minutes after consuming this stuff.  That should scare you. How could anything that makes your body reject it that quickly possibly be good for you?

Instead, try some nice dark chocolate now and then, Arctic Zero (an ice cream alternative), or create a protein shake recipe made with almond or coconut milk so it craves that milkshake craving you're having.

**NOTE** The reason sugar intake is so important is that sugar creates fat. You need carbohydrates in the form of fruit, oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes/yams, etc but not refined sugar or artificial sugars. Carbohydrate intake is key to dropping fat. Many of the people who reach out to me are unaware of how much sugar is in their diet in the form of breakfast foods and foo-foo coffees from Starbucks and Caribou!

Make sure you start out 2013 with the right information and a bang!


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