Why I love Isagenix and Answering Your Questions 3.0
I tend to do one of these types of blog posts a year and I just feel moved to do my 2015 edition. I'm completely transparent so I figured I might as well type this bad boy out to help quell some of the repeat questions and curiosity that gets generated in my day to day life. Did you really drop your sponsorships because of Isagenix? -Sure did. Don't get me wrong. The other companies treated me well and were well-meaning. They stood behind their product. The problem was that I hadn't used their stuff at all (due to it upsetting my stomach or in one case, causing massive heart palpitations due to the insane about of stimulants and other crap in it) or they were things I hadn't used in months/nearly a year. All the results I was having was because I was using Isagenix products, and they were night and day to what was regularly in my body before. Consequently, I chose to step down as being a sponsored athlete. I felt like I was lying to people and it was my own terror o...