Why I Use Isagenix 2.0 and Answering Lots of Your Questions
The New Year is coming. Do you have a plan? And did you know that there is 0% reason you have to start being happier and healthier sooner than January 1st? I blogged earlier this summer about my own Isagenix experience and tale. This is a follow up based on some of my the most common questions and comments I get from people about it. Totally honest, unedited, just the way it is. You guys know I would never, ever lie to you. I count on my reputation and I'm just putting this out there. "Is this really any different than the stuff I can pick up in bulk at Cost-Co or get on GNC? Come on. It sounds like a MASSIVE load of crap." Answer: Um, YES. This is the equivalent of asking if there is a difference between going to the best sushi restaurant in town and grabbing some crappy refrigerated California roll that you can get at the grocery store. Isa products are natural. They don't use hormones. They don't use artificial colors or sweeteners. Their shakes are s...