Thoughts on a Friday Night: Confessions and "The Universal Assignment and You"

I was invited to my friend's house about two hours north of the Twin Cities this weekend, so I made the trek up here and was left alone with my thoughts and an audiobook for a few hours. It's a chilly night in late September by Lake Millacs. It's quiet. peaceful, and I sit here on my laptop in my makeshift bed wrapped up warm in a blanket and a million thoughts in my head. The month of September was probably one of the most difficult things I've been through. But realistically, I'm grateful for all of it, and it was truthfully the hammer dropping on a lot of things in my life. There's so much I can't write about because I simply can't. There's so much behind the scenes that I could write a novel about in terms of learning experiences. The man that I was dating often asked me why I didn't blog more often. I didn't really have an answer at the time, but the truth of the matter is I just didn't feel like writing. If I'm be...