Being Nice Isn't Enough

This is going to go down a different avenue than my blogs normally pursue. In general I stick to fitness and life on the whole, but I'm going to hit a different path today and talk about relationships (friendships or dating). I have always been an extremely nice, outgoing, trusting person. Ask my parents. As a little kid I would wander up to any stranger and talk to them, and I had no qualms going up to any strange dog and offering it my face with the pure, blind trust of the innocent little kid I was. While I got wiser with age in terms of realizing talking to strangers isn't always a great plan and some dogs WOULD happily eat me for dinner, I continued carrying the naivete of "Because I operate this way, everyone must operate this way" well into my adulthood. The golden rule is something I have always intrinsically and instinctively lived by. I don't think this is a bad thing for the mostpart, but that is not to say that it hasn't hindered me numerous ...