An Open Letter to those Struggling Right Now.
To the Junior High to College Age Kids Don't worry about the bullies. As someone who was bullied and picked on constantly growing up, I'm writing this to assure you that these experiences will bring you wisdom later down the road and this won't be the rest of your life. Whoever cares the most loses in these situations. In this case, you reacting to the bully gives them the power that they want. This will carry into adulthood in relationships, friendships and dating situations if you ever find you have someone trying to rile you up. Love you. You come first. The only people whose opinions matters are those who know, value, and love you the most. Anyone else can jump off a bridge. :) These people will grow up and many will apologize. And if they don't, I doubt you'll care by the time you're an adult anymore anyways. Don't worry about love right now. Stop worrying about getting a b...