Summer of Facing Fears: Conquering the Terror of Lake Calhoun

Kicking off my "Summer of Facing Fears", this relates to my last blog. (Read it here .) This was my first challenge to myself and it was a tough one. This is an extremely personal one as well. Probably because I'm a sentimental chick! After my split with my ex, my internal "Map of the Twin Cities" looked like this. With time, it was downgraded to this. Who could ever be afraid of a lake, right? Why on earth would something so silly be 1000000% off limits to anyone? What's the big deal? I mean, sure, some people suffer from agoraphobia and have water anxieties, but are the ever afflicted by one specific lake in one spot? Seems ridiculous. I was. And I have been. This is a holy ground to me; this is iconic. After all, who could ever want to avoid something as beautiful as this? Lake Calhoun has been the source of many places I refuse to go to since my breakup last fall. Refused. Many people don't get it. "It's just...