
Showing posts from February, 2013

Self Discipline and the Ability to say "No."

Anyone else feel that American culture, while fabulous, lacks a certain level of self-discipline that you see in other parts of the world? I'm not just talking about how we spend our money and the obvious entitlement mentality that seems to be permeating different generations. I'm speaking of the "I want it now but I don't want to do the work" mentality. Where did this go in our minds and hearts? In a fast-food and American Idol nation, where is the drive to actually DO the things that people set out to do? Since when is it weird to make a goal and stick to it, and why does it make you a bit of a social outcast to have some drive to have some physical or athletic goals? It seems like everything has gotten so backwards. You're often looked at with judgement if you have the drive to make something of yourself and not give up. It's sad to me that it's become completely socially acceptable for people to make resolutions and goals and give up on them ...